"The death of innovative Irish writer, James Joyce"
Wikipedia intro:
James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish expatriate author of the 20th century. He is best known for his landmark novel Ulysses (1922) and its controversial successor Finnegans Wake (1939), as well as the short story collection Dubliners (1914) and the semi-autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916).Ulysses. Ulysses! A choice review from Amazon user buggliemonsta:
And this, a fairly on-point critique of Amazon reviewers in general:I recently bought this book and am currently plodding through it. Although I usually wait until the end of a book to submit my review I feel there is no possible way I am either going to a); understand what the hell the book is about, or b); enjoy it. I do not understand why anyone would write a book which requires another book to explain all the 'hidden meanings'. I consider myself fairly well-read, I got through 'War and Peace' in two weeks and quite enjoyed that, and I like to give myself a challenge but this book is just awful. I think anyone who says they liked this book is either lying to appear intelligent or just mad!Oh dear,
13 Mar 2006
For a time the only internet access I could get at work was to Amazon. I spent far too much time reading through the reviews, and came to conclude that almost nothing of any use was being said whatsoever. Not for the 'cultural' items, anyway. As a consumer guide, reviews of one mp3 player versus another and warnings not to buy certain kinds of leads (or whatever) are pretty useful, (unless you're reading about an Apple product, that is, or anything else that brings out the fiercely partisan in net users, like gaming consoles)... and then there's users who just use the site as an outlet for their whimsy. At some point Amazon started branching out from books and music and electronics and began selling all sorts of homewares, clothing... the lot! It was only a matter of time before stuff like this started turning up:Actually...,
4 Sep 1999 By A Customer
This review is from: Ulysses (Modern Library) (Hardcover)...there are two kinds, not species of people. The kind who can like or dislike a book and articulate why; and those who can't articulate anything and resort to name-calling and insults.I enjoyed Ulysses. Wasn't an easy read, and I don't like the idea that you have to buy a guide to appreciate all the nuances; but all in all it's worthy of the veneration we heap on it as a truly modern novel.
This is a review of Goya Codfish Batter Mix, Bacalaitos, 4.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 24):
This user has a whole profile of gently amusing posts. If this kind of thing tickles your fancy much, then just search "amazon reviews funny", or indeed just go to the tuscan whole milk page and get your solid yuks from there.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:The sign of a quality product is whether or not its existence is presaged for you in a dream during childhood. I dreamed of this Goya codfish batter mix. I was in an olive grove, Leo Sayer was playing, and then this Goya codfish batter mix --- startled, I awoke yelling "Bacalaitos", as though it were the name of a Spanish magician who was untying a silk handkerchief that had been blinding me. At last I could finally see.Goya's Dream,
January 26, 2008
With that being said, I prefer the Crab Place's more versatile Fish & Shrimp Batter sold here on Amazon. It can be used with codfish, basa, probably sea cucumber. Try it out.
4 stars.
Today's quote...
"A good argument has no need of a loud voice"
This is another anonymous quote which, from a cursory internet search, only shows up on posts from the 13th January. Suspicious! Someone, somewhere, obviously collated the quotes and facts for these kind of desk calendar/daily conversation pieces, and people have since pilfered all the data for their own use. I'm pointing no fingers.
Anyway, "a good argument has no need of a loud voice"?
No loud voice:
A good argument:
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